Inside Doug's Head

It is never too late to become wise.

Not to reveal any secret weaknesses of mine, but water is my kryptonite. Dry ice is fine, but I really don’t like wet water.

Swimming, diving, drowning, drinking, and bathing in it. Water just isn’t my thing. Also, gravity, lifting heavy objects, working hard, sweating, and activities that make my hair move. These are the things that cause me to become weak and paralytic, like Superman when he encounters kryptonite while doing his laundry.

Water as a compound in general is acceptable, and I like things that can be made from water. Whiskey and rum, for example.

Damn! I forgot to go to the gym today. That makes, ten years in a row. Have you tried lifting weights? They are heavy!


2 thoughts on “Kryptonite

  1. Laurettaodea says:

    You are so funny a way with words never lifted weights in my life and at this stage in my life if I did try I’d be in traction

    1. Doug Godsoe says:

      Thank you. Yeah, weights, I don’t know why they make them so heavy. I’d workout more if it were easier.

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