Inside Doug's Head

It is never too late to become wise.

So here’s the thing I discovered that you can press the little microphone button down by the keyboard and somewhere some geniuses or something call listen to what it is that you’re saying, and they will type it in as if you actually looked at all the letters and said yeah that’s what I want I am not exactly sure if they’ll get the story right they are Cray the internation read the… Prayed… Or even a Commerce;‘ now that I think about it all of these things are cool, but what if they’re not raise what if it’s something that’s dictated but not read wow what is your drinking really hard really hard higher than gods and demons could possibly imagine because you’re sad and miserable Life’s not exactly going the way that you wanted it to go these words do you need to go back over and add? No that’s not what I meant. Nope that’s it, no, not that Neruda DEF definitely not that that is that I’ll work I don’t know. Let me know in the morning.

When Elon Muskrat says, hyperbolically, that AI will destroy humanity, to be clear, he doesn’t mean that AI will become so intelligent that it will overwhelm all organic life on earth. What he means is that AI is so programmatically retarded that the only actually intelligent life available on this stupid planet will incorrectly assume it is right all of the time. AI is dangerous because people and authoritarians are stupid. And lazy.

Bill Gates thinks AI is great. He also wants to reduce the world’s population by a few billion. Meaning, your life, not his, because he only kills worms and pollywogs. You voted for Biden, so no intelligence there. AI thinks he is right. Coincidence?

Trans people don’t reproduce. Whore moan therapy is a sterilization program. It’s genocide for the elites. Gotta cap that population. It’s anti human and it’s pure evil.

I am curious to watch it all play out, though. It’s like watching a cheesy Chris Hansen episode, how will it end video. Will Hunter S Thompson be indicted for stuff and the CIA? What is cocaine and why is it illegal?

When I turn 80, I intend to try meth, cocaine, and heroin. And then run for President. No one will ever know that I’m already dead. If you threw me out of an airplane from ten thousand feet, I’d run five miles when I hit the ground.

And then I’d say something great about unions, like how they give me money without asking hard questions about the economy. And Bill only cheated on Hillary because she was more than a woman, to me.

Shakespeare was almost right: the first thing we must do is kill all the billionaires, lawyers, and politicians. Not because they are rich, liars, pedophiles, and sociopaths, but because they have completed the game, and now they are bored with us. Our slow demise is their entertainment. We are the NPCs.


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